First Aid Kit Supplies

Here are some good things to include in your first aid kit.  Keep in mind WHERE you’ll be hiking and with whom when you put your kit together.  For example, if you have someone with severe allergies to peanuts or bee stings, make sure you have an epi-pen.

The little boxes that kids craft kits come in these days are fun for the kids to decorate and fill with first aid supplies.  They’re a great size.  (They look like little tiny suitcases)

  • Band-aids (6 to 12)
  • 1 roll Adhesive Tape
  • 2 – 3 X 3 gauze dressings: individually wrapped sterile pads.
  • blister pads (2)
  • 4 inch Roller Gauze (Kling):
  • Ace Bandage: Include 1 – 4 inch roll. This can be used for strains and sprains and also doubles as a pressure bandage to control bleeding.
  • Steri-Strips: These are also known as Butter-Flys.
  • Betadine Antiseptic: small bottle or individually wrapped swabs.
  • Cortisone Ointment: 1 tube. This is especially helpful with any contact dermatitis (i.e. poison ivy, oak)
  • burn ointment
  • Benadryl tablets: help control allergic reactions – dispense according to directions
  • Eye wash: 1 small vial.
  • small scissors
  • tweezers

You might also like to put some basic things in your kit, like kleenex, waterproof matches, chapstick, sunscreen, bug spray, etc. (again depending on when and where you’re going).