Our Mission
The Habitat Preservation Committee shall focus planning and volunteer activities for the ongoing management and preservation of the natural character of Open Space habitat in Webster. The committee will work to inventory the habitat types and plants, maintain the habitat, and increase public awareness and knowledge about our natural areas.
- We keep meadows open and healthy so they are visually satisfying and they provide grassland habitat that foster birds, butterflies and flowers.
Meadow, Field & Trail Maintenance - We remove non-native invasive plants that would crowd out native plants needed by our wildlife.
- We reintroduce native plants.
JOIN US as we work every week from April to November to take care of Webster’s Open Space lands. contact@webstertrails.org
Habitat News
Ash Trees in Whiting Road Nature Preserve
Botanical Study in Whiting Road Nature Preserve https://webstertrails.org/wrnp/survey.pdf
Pictures of habitat preservation activities.