Scouts’ Bridges Elevate Trails

Eagle projects improve the trails

It’s been a busy summer for scouts in Webster’s preserves, with new bridges and boardwalks added to several locations.

The latest are by two different scouts, Joseph Webster of Troop 215 and Sawyer Zimny of Troop 110. Each project involved more than 100 hours of volunteer time, coordinated and supervised by the scouts, with mentoring by FWT Scout Coordinator, Patrick Fulkerson.

Sawyer’s project replaced two damaged bridges on the Orange trail of Whiting Road Nature Preserve. The original bridges had served us well, but many years of hard use had rendered them potentially unsafe. The materials for the new bridges had to be transported more than a mile, making it a complicated project, but the finished product keeps walkers, hikers, and bikers out of the mud.

Joseph’s project was essential to connecting the new trails of Herman Road Forever Wild Forest to the Pink trail of Whiting Road Nature Preserve. The bridge was a major undertaking at 74 feet long.

Friends is grateful for the continued efforts of our local youth to help improve the trails in Webster! Their work helps make our trails among the very best.