Job Duties





  1. Preside over the meetings of the Board.
  2. Set the dates for and preside over the annual meetings of the Friends.
  3. Appoint all non-elected positions.
  4. Coordinate the work of the various Committees.
  5. Ensure that the requirements of the Constitution and By-laws are carried out.
  6. Liaison with the Town of Webster through the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation.


  1. Assume the duties of the President when the President is unavailable.
  2. Fill in for the President at meetings when the President is unavailable.
  3. Assist the President on all matters of interest to the Friends.
  4. Handle special projects as delegated by the President.
  5. Give advice and council to other officers and assist on ad-hoc committees when required.
  6. Attend Board meetings and participate as a member of the team.


  1. Take minutes at all Board meetings and at the annual meeting.
    1. The minutes should include attendees, summaries of discussions, resolutions and action items, and information about future meetings.
    2. If unable to attend meeting, recruit another person to take minutes.
  2. Distribute copies of minutes to all members of the Board in a timely manner.
  3. Compose letters for the Board as needed.
  4. Retain recent copies of minutes and important handouts from the Board meetings and annual meetings.
  5. Attend Board meetings and participate as a member of the team.


  1. Maintain accounts of all Friends monies, including depositing checks and writing checks.
  2. Report on current balance and major expenditures at the Board meetings.
  3. Prepare year end financial reports.
  4. Attend Board meetings and participate as member of the team.

Immediate Past President:

  1. Serve in an advisory capacity to the President.
  2. Provide continuity with past Friends activities.
  3. Assist in special projects requested by the President.
  4. Attend Board meetings and participate as member of the team.


Trails Committee:

  1. Shall consist of the Chairman, Outings coordinator(s) and a Trail Steward appointed for each major trail system.
  2. Administer the Adopt-a-Trail program.
  3. Assure a Trail Steward for each trail.
  4. Coordinate activities of Trail Stewards so maintenance schedules do not conflict.
  5. Ensure regular maintenance is completed on all trails.
  6. Keep a file of volunteers and volunteer organizations to contact to assist Trail Stewards.
  7. Organize groups to survey potential trails or properties.
  8. Serve as the focal point to propose, plan and develop new trails.
  9. Request and coordinate use of Town resources (e.g. brush hog; mower).
  10. Inform the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and obtain his/her approval for any proposed major changes to trails.
  11. Coordinate all trails outings, such as walking, bicycling, hiking, skiing and snowshoeing.
  12. Notify the Communications Committee of all trail activities for media coverage.
  13. Committee Chair attend Board meetings and participate as member of the team.

Trail Stewards:

  1. Each Trail Steward shall take responsibility for the development and maintenance of a particular trail or trails in a particular area.
  2. Plan and oversee upgrades to the assigned trail(s).
  3. Inform the Trails Committee Chair of major trail problems such as muddy areas and obstructions that should be scheduled into the monthly trails maintenance day.
  4. Encourage the adoption of sections of trails by interested individuals and groups (Adopt-a Trail program).
  5. Instruct volunteers about and oversee safe use of equipment.
  6. Report completed maintenance to the Trails Committee Chair.
  7. Attend Trail Committee meetings.

Outings Coordinator(s):

  1. Schedule all trails outings, such as walking, bicycling, hiking, skiing and snowshoeing.
  2. Solicit qualified outing leaders.
  3. Develop trail briefing sheets for outings leaders.
  4. Submit Sunday hike schedule for inclusion in the Parks and Recreation Program Guide.
  5. Submit outings information to the Communications Chair for media coverage.
  6. Attend Trail Committee meetings.

Membership Committee:

  1. Seek applicants for membership.
  2. Supervise membership procedures.
  3. Check Friends mailbox once a week, process new memberships and distribute other mail as required.
  4. Maintain an up-to-date membership list and distribute to Board members as needed.
  5. Send a letter of welcome to new members.
  6. Attend Board meetings and participate as member of the team.

Communications Committee:

  1. Collect information on Friends’ activities, events, and other items of interest to the membership.
  2. Distribute the information to the membership, and where appropriate, to the media, other organizations and individuals.
  3. Maintain a list of media outlets and other venues suitable for the distribution of information relating to activities and events of the Friends.
  4. Develop promotional displays for Mall exhibits, National Trails Day celebrations, Town events, etc.
  5. Periodically write or coordinate feature, news, or human interest stories for publication in area newspapers, or for use in other media.
  6. Prepare and distribute a newsletter to the general membership and other interested parties at least twice each year, including the first week of May (to gear up for general membership meeting in June) and in late November (to report on the elections and plans of the new Board).
  7. Attend Board meetings and participate as member of the team.