The snow and cold outside are the perfect weather to start another season of ReTree efforts.
For the last three years, ReTree has been adding resilient, native species of trees and shrubs to Webster’s preserves, and to make that happen, we’ve sourced seedlings from the Monroe County Soil & Water Conservation District and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Both groups offer native seedlings to anyone at very reasonable prices. But you have to start your planning early.

The plant sales started in early January and continue through the winter, but popular species sell out quickly.
Thanks to Habitat Committee Chair Norma Platt, ReTree has already put in their order for more than 100 seedlings, so we can look forward to a spring planting day to get those seedlings into pots in our nursery.
After a year or more of growing in the nursery, those seedlings will be strong enough to be transplanted into the open spaces, adding more diversity and resilience to our open spaces, and building Webster’s Future Forests.
Watch the events page for details about the spring planting, and make plans to join this family-friendly annual event.