State Road Toe Stubbers

FWT Workday State Road Nature Preserve – August 17, 2024

FWT at State Road Nature Preserve:   Inventing our own Olympic event?

The Friends of Webster Trails met to improve the trails at State Road Nature Preserve and new Olympic  event was born:    removing toe-stubbers.

The task of  removing remnants of trees that stick into the trail requires physical stamina and years of experience and training.      Teams of two generally participate in the sport. Removal of each stub, or event,  was rated by the difficulty of the task:  most scoring in the 3-5 range but a few were solid 10’s and required 4-5 workers to remove.

On a more serious note…..we thank Hal Harris and SRNP steward Paul LaPietra for heading up this work party.    The day was warm, and this activity was very strenuous with most of the workers giving out after two hours. 

There are still plenty more STNP  toe -stubbers for the next ‘Olympics” which, by the way, has been sanctioned by the Webster FWT Olympic Committee (WFOC).

Future FWT Workers