FWT Board Meeting Minutes

October 14, 2024 7:00 pm


Denise Bilsback, Bud Gearhardt, Ron Happ, Hal Harris, Truman Mortillaro, Chris Peterson, Paul Piotrowski, Norma Platt, Linda Siple, Matt Steiner, Ann Taylor, Sarah White, Ben Wisniewski
Adimistrative Reports
  1. Approve/Change Agenda – Add Birdsong new residential development; add NY forward grant update
  2. Approve Minutes from Sept 2024 Meeting – Approved
  3. Membership Status – Denise B
    1. September: 258 members, with 3 new this month
    2. 205 volunteer hours
    3. Hot Cocoa hike on 11/2 at 7pm, 50 signed up already
  4. Review of Treasurer Report – Chris/Lynn P
    1. $36k in combined accounts
    2. Budget framework discussion below
  5. Website Inquiry Summary – Norma
    • Alerts about trees down in many preserves
    • Trail counter question
    • Sign down in WRNP
    • Complaint about motorized bikes
    • Potential volunteers
    • Girl Scout gold award project inquiry
  6. Habitat Committee Update – Norma: Work completed for the year. Volunteer appreciation luncheon planned.
  7. Communications Update: Fall Newsletter went live 10/14

Trail Planning and Maintenance

  1. Trails Chair Report: Linda
    1. Workday 10/19 at 9am: ReTree at HRFWF.
    2. New Finn Park West. Trail would require boardwalk infrastructure. Propose a linear trail now, with possibility for a loop in the future. Would need town assistance to clear the trees. ACTION ITEM: Anna to respond to Parks & Rec that we could lay out a trail in the spring, and ask about easement from north neighborhood.
    3. Finn Park East needs trail signage.
    4. New stewards
      1. Matt and Anne Machi for WRNP Red Trail
      2. Truman Mortillaro and Paul Piotrowski for FMCP
      3. “Be a Steward” Signs available if we need more stewards.
    5. Krieger Memorial plaque for Hickory Bark – place on platform bench.
    6. Finn Park puncheon build – 10/26 @1pm
    7. FMC Orange Trail trash removal – 11/16 @9am
    8. Schroeder HS shop class looking for projects – Herman Road, State Road and Finn Park trail signs. Linda to get list of trail signs for them to do.
    9. Trail sign inventory – Linda and Denise to conduct inventory of signs that need repainting.
    10. Standardization of trail kiosk signage. Denise and Linda to partner with town on project over the winter.
    11. Bird Sanctuary dog waste station – No update
    12. Benefits for stewards
      1. ACTION ITEM: Chris to make sure Lowes, Precision, Staples tax exempt status/process is all set.
  2. Trail Steward: Feedback
    1. Town has added stone at several Hojack spots after the rain storm
    2. Hojack trimming is complete, ready for leaf blowing
    3. State Road scout projects: Kiosk, benches, and boardwalk/bridges
  3. FWT P&R Budget Line: $1,100 remaining for 2024
    • ACTION ITEM: Anna to consult with Town about screening at Herman Road FWF
    • Otherwise, Hojack trail wayfaring signage

Meeting Notes
  1. Explorer Program: Guest – Truman Mortillaro
    • Explorer program is ancillary to Scouts, for career-readiness
    • Goal: Conservation/Forestry program. Possibly coordinate with Parks & Rec and/or Genesee Land Trust. 4 adult leaders needed (Truman and 3 others).
    • Total cost could be $6k; portions could be covered by grants
    • Sample curricula to be sent to Anna
      • Possible units: invasive species, ReTree, and trail maintenance
  2. FWT Budget Framework – Chris
    1. Budget process with sources/revenue and uses/expenses.
    2. Outstanding question of what our plans are for expansion.
  3. Re-Tree Project: Norma/Sarah
    • Planting day 10/19 at HRFWF.
    • RGE planting day (date TBD) at Finn Park.
  4. Promote (RECRUITMENT)/Events/Fundraising:
    1. Cars and Trees Hike – Oct 5th – Dennis: 30 hikers attended
    2. Hot Cocoa Hike, Saturday, November 2 (Chiyoda) – Denise
    3. Scavenger Hunt, Saturday, November 2 (WRNP) – Emily
    4. Trail Steward Breakfast, Nov 9th Mama Lor’s Ridge Rd 9am
    5. Annual Meeting, Nov 11th Finn Lodge 6-7:30pm
  5. Open Discussion
    1. ATV’s on Trails. Town expanding enforcement.
    2. Rich and Larry Yost no longer doing sign posts – ACTION ITEM: Hal to contact Larry about transitioning this
    3. WRNP map signs need to be updated with connections to HRFWF, but wait until new year when Yellow Trail is further improved.
    4. Birdsong new residential development – no discussion
    5. NY Forward Grant update – Hojack trail made the approved project list.