Seven adults with shovels in the woods, crouched around a large white mushroom

Habitat Preservation Committee

Our Mission

The Habitat Preservation Committee shall focus planning and volunteer activities for the ongoing management and preservation of the natural character of Open Space habitat in Webster. The committee will work to inventory the habitat types and plants, maintain the habitat, and increase public awareness and knowledge about our natural areas.

JOIN US as we work every week from April to November to take care of Webster’s Open Space lands.

Habitat News

Garlic Mustard Invasion:  Frontline News  

Habitat Workers Picking

Seven adults with shovels in the woods, crouched around a large white mushroom

Habitat Needs You!

Join Habitat as they work to preserve the native habitat of Webster’s open spaces.

ReTree removes non-native plants

ReTree clears invasive plants with grant from Rochester Birding Association.


Gosnell 2014 Rehab Project

Ash Trees in Whiting Road Nature Preserve

Botanical Study in Whiting Road Nature Preserve

Pictures of habitat preservation activities.